E—Learning E—Ölçme

E—Learning E—Measurement


There is now a more practical way to develop your knowledge and competencies in psychological health and safety. 

Organizational Commitment Training
Work – Life Balance Training
Time Management and Prioritization


Quantitative and qualitative assessments are applied to measure the dimensions of an organization related to psychological health and safety. Use NHUMAN's scales suitable for scientific research methods and techniques to reach accurate data in assessment and evaluation activities.

Psychosocial Risk Assessment

Risk factors at work that may cause stress emerge as psychosocial risks. It includes organizational aspects of the job, social factors at work, work environment, equipment and hazardous tasks. PSR-Q scale; It is designed in accordance with international standards and cultural norms for psychosocial risk management as a psychosocial risk assessment tool that complements occupational health and safety (OHS) risk assessments in workplaces.

Industrial Psychomotor Measurement

In psychotechnical evaluations used in the selection of suitable personnel for the job in businesses and in the evaluation of existing personnel, it is aimed to measure people's cognitive and psychomotor abilities such as hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, attention, reaction speed and concentration, and thus to increase production by identifying the most suitable people for the job.

"We address the psychosocial risks specified in the ILO and ISO 45003 standards in organizational, social and environmental dimensions."

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Let's review your institution's assessments and design action plans.


Psychological health and safety counseling; These are consultancy activities to eliminate the factors that will hinder the productivity of the employees. The aim is to contribute to the loyalty and motivation of the employees and their well-being, and to spread the safety culture in the workplace.

Employee Support Systems

Employee Support systems are a consultancy system for the solution of individual problems experienced by employees in their workplaces. It provides a supportive model for one's coping with work-related stress, maintaining work-life balance, and solving work-related problems. Employee support systems include executive support programs (MSP).

Psychosocial Risk Management Consultancy

Psychosocial Risks Counseling; It is carried out to measure and understand the impact of work-related stress caused by psychosocial risks on the health, well-being, productivity and performance of employees.

Wellbeing Applications

Wellbeing practices are product and content development studies prepared specifically for the institution in order to increase the well-being of its employees.

Emergencies and Crisis Counseling

Emergencies and crisis consultancy, how institutions will cope with internal and external crises, work accidents, etc. It covers topics such as effective response and preparation in emergencies, and the creation of correct communication strategies for workplace crisis management.

According to the World Health Organization, health is a state of complete physical, social and psychological well-being.


Become one of the institutions that benefit from our programs to create a culture of psychological health and safety.


Psychological Health and Safety Trainings are training programs aim to develop theoretical and applied capacity, given to employees and institutions, with synchronous, asynchronous, online and face-to-face options.


E-Learning trainings are online trainings designed to increase the accessibility of employees and individuals to their psychological health and safety competencies.

Work - Life Balance Training

It is aimed to determine priorities in business and private life and to provide participants with skills in setting goals, taking action, planning, timeline, effectiveness and efficiency, inertia and procrastination habits.

Psychosocial Risk Assessment Training

It is seen that the work-related stress developed on the basis of psychosocial risks and the inadequacy of psychosocial risk management increase the risk of occupational accidents. The main goals of good prevention design and effective psychosocial risk management are to establish safe working systems/environment and to ensure appropriate communication and behavior in the workplace.

Psychological First Aid Training

Psychological first aid is a training module developed for people who are not experts in the field of psychology or medicine to perform the first psychosocial intervention. It was created in order for emergency workers to apply the psychological first aid process by using the right communication skills when faced with emergencies or difficult life events.

The Effect of Psychological Factors on Work Accidents

The sudden or constant manifestation of emotions such as anxiety, tension, anger, fear causes our productivity to decrease and our attention to be distracted. In the training, the psychological processes that lead to work accidents will be covered and how these processes affect the accidents.

Applied Stress Management

In the training, how constant tension is reflected on our mental health, body, daily life, relationships and work efficiency will be covered. In the last part of the training, ways to deal with the constant tension are discussed.

WHO and ILO (2022) specify psychological health and safety training to managers and all employees as one of the three most important components of mental health at work.


Improve mental health literacy; get good experiences for yourself.

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