What is Occupational Accident?
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines an occupational accident as “An event that was not planned in advance, often leading to personal injuries, production stopping for a while”, while the International Labor Organization (ILO) defines it as “An unexpected and unplanned event that causes a certain amount of harm or injury”.
What is the Purpose of Preparation of Training on the Effect of Psychological Factors in Work Accidents?
The sudden or constant manifestation of emotions such as anxiety, tension, anger, fear causes a decrease in the efficiency of our work and distraction. Difficulty in perception, psychological fatigue, distraction make work accident inevitable. The aim of the training on the effect of psychological factors in occupational accidents is to understand the effect of psychological factors in workplace accidents and to develop strategies for the prevention of these factors. In this context, education; It has been prepared for managers, workplace physicians, occupational health and safety professionals, workplace representatives, human resources specialists and people involved in ensuring safety in the workplace.
What will you learn?
- You will understand the effect of psychological factors on workplace accidents.
- You will gain the skills to develop strategies to prevent these factors.
- You will have information about the development of preventive, supportive, and protective skills to ensure psychological safety in the workplace.
Who Can Benefit?
Occupational health and safety professionals, human resources professionals, all managers and employees who want to gain knowledge in psychological safety and anyone who wants to develop in this field can participate.
When you complete the modules and tests, you will be entitled to receive your approved training certificate on the Effect of Psychological Factors in Occupational Accidents.