What is Stress at Work?
It is the sum of the imbalances between the work demanded of the person and the resources that the person can use to cope with these demands (ILO, 2016)
What is Burn Out?
Burnout is a conceptualized syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that is not successfully managed (WHO, 2019)
What is Workplace Stress and Burnout Training?
This training aims to create a happier and more productive working culture in business life by learning to gain the necessary knowledge and skills, raise awareness, recognize its symptoms and causes, and cope with stress and burnout in order to combat stress and burnout.
What will you learn?
- You will understand the signs of stress and the situations and conditions that can cause stress.
- You will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to cope with stress and burnout.
- You will acquire the strategies to protect yourself from stress and burnout individually and institutionally.
Who Can Benefit?
The training is prepared for all employees, managers, employers and people who want to have information about the subject who want to improve their ability to cope with stress and burnout in the workplace.
Once you complete the sections and tests, you will be entitled to receive your approved Workplace Stress and Burnout Training certification online.