1 sonucun 8-108 kadarı gösteriliyor

News – Two Wheels One Helmet–tr/index.htm International Labor Organization (ILO) Turkey Office, on December 10, 2021 due to the intense workload and increased workload and occupational health and safety risks of motorcycle courier on “Delivery on the Focus of Motorcycle Couriers …

Working Mothers and Covid-19

Çalışan Anneler ve Covid-19 Gerçekliği Covid- 19’un yayılım riskini azaltmak için gerçekleştirilen seyahat kısıtlamaları, çalışma saatlerinde esneklik, karantina, sokağa çıkma yasağı, kurumların ve işyerlerinin kapatılması, uzaktan eğitim ve evden çalışma …

Habertürk TV – “Two wheels, one helmet” Research

Habertürk TV – “Two Wheels, One Helmet” Research “Two Wheels, One Helmet” Research… The psychosocial risk analyzes of motocouriers were examined. They work 11 hours a day, 77.3 percent of them do not have a rest area — Habertürk TV …

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