1 sonucun 8-109 kadarı gösteriliyor

Emotion Regulation and Efficiency

Emotion Regulation and Efficiency Today, we live in an age where everything changes rapidly. Technological advances, the instant spread of news, the development of communication tools and the constant movement of life have changed people's perception over time.

Workplace Sress: A Collective Challenge

Stress at Work: A Common Challenge This report presents the trends in work-related stress in both developed and developing countries and discusses the importance of this issue in the new context of business.

Book: Stress at Work “A Common Challenge” – Published!

“İş dünyasında stres çalışmalarına odaklanma; 1990’lardan bu yana, özellikle işe bağlı stresin çalışanların sağlığı ve çalışan yönetimi üzerindeki etkisi konularında, artış göstermektedir. Araştırmacılar ve politika yapıcılar arasında psikososyal tehlikelerin, risklerin …


While many things have changed in social, economic and psychological areas in our lives with the Covid-19 pandemic, which has taken the whole world under its influence, we were all shaken by the news of the earthquake that came with it. Occurring off the Aegean Sea…

Information Guide on Psychosocial Risks for Workplaces

The psychosocial risk policy, prepared by the TR Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety, in order to effectively combat the new type of coronavirus, to prevent employees from being psychologically affected in the workplace.

Habertürk TV – “Two wheels, one helmet” Research

Habertürk TV – “Two Wheels, One Helmet” Research “Two Wheels, One Helmet” Research… The psychosocial risk analyzes of motocouriers were examined. They work 11 hours a day, 77.3 percent of them do not have a rest area — Habertürk TV …

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