33 sonucun 40-109 kadarı gösteriliyor

“The Importance of Psychosocial Risks Increased in Occupational Health and Safety in the Pandemic”

https://www.sivil who prepared a comprehensive report titled “Psychosocial Risks Report-Current Situation Analysis and Recommendations” Psychologist Nevin Küçük from NHUMAN Consulting stated that the pandemic has increased psychosocial risks in the field of occupational health and safety, and is aware of these risks.

Habertürk TV – “Two wheels, one helmet” Research

Habertürk TV – “Two Wheels, One Helmet” Research “Two Wheels, One Helmet” Research… The psychosocial risk analyzes of motocouriers were examined. They work 11 hours a day, 77.3 percent of them do not have a rest area — Habertürk TV …

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