1 sonucun 8-109 kadarı gösteriliyor

Information Guide on Psychosocial Risks for Workplaces

The psychosocial risk policy, prepared by the TR Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety, in order to effectively combat the new type of coronavirus, to prevent employees from being psychologically affected in the workplace.

Covid-19 Information Note for Employers and Employees

Covid-19 salgını ile birlikte birçoğumuzun hayatında çok fazla şey değişti. Çalışma koşullarımız ve çalışma şeklimizdeki bu değişiklikler konusunda zaman zaman endişe hissediyor ve kendimizi sakin tutmakta zorlanabiliyoruz. Bu dönemde ruh sağlığımızı …

Information Guide on Psychosocial Risks for Workplaces

The psychosocial risk policy, prepared by the TR Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety, in order to effectively combat the new type of coronavirus, to prevent employees from being psychologically affected in the workplace.

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