Key Practices and Strategies for Well-Being at Work.
What is Wellbeing at Work:
Well-being in the workplace is meeting the physical, mental, social and cognitive needs and expectations of employees related to their work.
What is Wellbeing Strategies Training at Work:
Workplace well-being strategies training has been prepared in order to be able to comprehend the strategies for mental health and well-being at work and working life with different dimensions and to show the application methods. Managers, human resources professionals, occupational health and safety professionals, all managers and employees who want to gain gains in well-being, and anyone who wants to develop in this field can attend the training.
What will you learn?
- You will have basic information about Well-being and learn about individual well-being strategies.
- You will gain an understanding of organizational intervention strategies at work and the current need for implementing these strategies in your workplace.
- You will acquire basic knowledge of the methods necessary for the implementation of strategies for mental health and well-being in working life.
Who Can Benefit?
This training is suitable for managers, human resources professionals, occupational health and safety professionals, all managers and employees who want to gain gains in well-being, and anyone who wants to develop in this field.
Once you complete the sections and tests, you will be entitled to receive your approved Wellbeing Strategies Training completion certificate online.