
NHUMAN references Fair Working Models as its working model. Fair Work is a system that covers workplace regulations such as wages, working conditions and representation of employees. Within the scope of these systems, employees earn at least enough to provide humane living standards and work with payment standards suitable for the work-wage balance.

Platform work provides basic income and opportunities to many. However, many platform workers who are not protected from labor law or collective organizations face unfair and dangerous working conditions.

That's why NHUMAN has decided to become a Fairwork supporter to help transform the DIG economy. Fairwork projects highlight best and worst practices in the platform economy.

We hope to encourage other organizations to help make the gig economy a fairer and safer place to work.


Although not all work is harmful to children, child labor often causes disruption in the physical, mental, social and psychological development of children and disrupts their education. Child workers may face many dangerous conditions, especially the physical or psychological effects of working life. For this reason, child labor is combated worldwide with the ILO Convention No. 182 on the Worst Forms of Child Labour. NHUMAN, on the other hand, takes an attitude towards the prevention of child labor in its own work and supports the fight against child labour.


With its Child Labor and Child Safety Policy, NHUMAN aims to fulfill a corporate responsibility for the prevention of child labor and to raise awareness in the business world. This policy is also NHUMAN's; It is a commitment to children's rights and the best interests of children.


Child: In accordance with Article 6/1-c of the Turkish Penal Code No. 5237, ILO Convention on Worst Forms of Child Labor No. 182 and Minimum Age Convention No. 138, all individuals who have not completed the age of 18 are considered children.


It references the ILO Fundamental Conventions and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in its works and does not engage in any work contrary to these conventions.

NHUMAN acts with the principles of "priority and best interests of the child" and "do no harm" in all its works. In its work, it does not take actions that directly or indirectly threaten the health and safety of children.

In all its works, it includes statements that will raise awareness about the fight against child labour.

It expects all suppliers, vendors and contractors with whom it cooperates to comply with the ILO Fundamental Conventions and the Rights of the Child. It does not purchase services from any institution employing child labor. 

When confronted with institutions employing child labor, he openly declares that he is against child labour.

All suppliers with whom it cooperates do not provide services to, receive services from, or work with any professionals who engage in acts and/or discourses that harm the health and safety of children.

NHUMAN does not participate in any community, association, campaign or statement that directly or indirectly harms children and/or puts children's interests at risk.

It offers non-violent and safe environments where all risks that may threaten children's health and safety are minimized in studies involving children.

NHUMAN employees do not engage in actions and/or statements that harm the health and safety of children, do not engage in situations that may pose a risk of harm, do not encourage, support the encouragement of actions that may harm children, or take part in any campaign, statement, community that may harm children. These actions and discourses are also valid in time periods outside of work and digital sharing is also included.

Regardless of the age of approval in the local community, sexual interaction with children is, without exception, a crime and NHUMAN employees do not engage in such interaction. The state of having incorrect information about the age of the child, etc. No reason can be a reason for defense.

When NHUMAN detects any violation of policies, it immediately implements the procedures found in the regulatory mechanisms.


Gender Equality Policy, which is under the title of diversity policies, is an important institutional structure for ensuring equality in workplaces and establishing organizational structures based on equality in organizations. Gender equality policies are effective in establishing corporate culture, regulating management behaviors and creating a work environment where equal opportunities are provided for all gender identities.


NHUMAN Gender Equality Policy was created to improve gender equality in the workplace and to guide practices in the workplace.


Gender ID: It refers to the gender identity that the person defines himself or herself independently from the definitions originating from his genes or society.



  • NHUMAN acts in accordance with Article 10 of the Turkish Constitution, adopts the UN Women's Empowerment Principles and applies them in its work.
  • NHUMAN adopts and implements ILO conventions, which are sources for ensuring gender equality in business life.
  • It sees the achievement of gender equality as a legal, moral and human rights responsibility.
  • NHUMAN cares about diversity in the workplace. It provides a safe and adequate working environment where all gender representations can work together.
  • It works to meet the demands for different needs that may arise between gender identities.
  • NHUMAN openly articulates its gender policy to the institutions it cooperates with. It does not receive service from individuals and institutions involved in actions, discourses and campaigns that overtly harm gender equality, and does not provide services to such institutions. However, in order to develop a gender equality perspective in business life, it can serve institutions that do not have gender equality sensitivity.
  • NHUMAN gives equal rights to all employees without discrimination in all tasks and dialogues.
  • NHUMAN shares its approach to gender equality with all its collaborators and employees.
  • NHUMAN does not evaluate based on gender identity during recruitment, promotion and other work stages, and the gender identity of the employees does not affect the results.
  • NHUMAN adopts the principle of equal pay for equal work and makes job valuations (remuneration) based on job descriptions. Gender identity does not affect job valuations.
  • NHUMAN employees treat all gender identities within the team equally. It does not make any discriminatory statements for any reason. The frequent occurrence of any discriminatory discourse, its use in everyday language, or the fact that it is embedded in the language like an idiom is not a reason for advocacy. This principle also applies to non-business time periods and includes publicly available digital posts.
  • Gender policies apply equally to all employees.
  • NHUMAN employees do not refer to gender or gender identity when describing any situation. Uses gender-neutral language. It does not explain the reasons for success or failure in terms of genders.
  • Grant additional rights regarding pregnancy, childbirth, parenting and caregiving and share them with all employees.
  • Takes regulatory measures in teams with employees taking leave in matters related to pregnancy, childbirth, parenting and caregiving. Employees do not suffer any loss of rights in their position after pregnancy, birth, parenting and caregiving leave, they continue to work in the same position and do not allow any discrimination against the person taking the leave.
  • When any violation of the policies is detected, regulatory mechanisms are implemented immediately.


Violence and harassment in the workplace is one of the situations that should be prevented. With the ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment No. 190, everyone has the right to a work environment free from all forms of violence and harassment, including gender-based violence and harassment, and workplace violence and harassment is a violation of human rights. According to the ILO, violence and harassment is a threat to equality at work and is incompatible with decent work principles. In order to prevent violence and harassment, a work culture where human dignity and mutual respect is at the forefront should be established in the workplaces. In this context, it should be ensured that employees are safe and protected in the workplace by establishing policies to prevent violence, mobbing and harassment in the workplace.


NHUMAN Anti-Violence, Mobbing and Harassment Policy has been established with the aim of preventing all kinds of violence and harassment in the workplace, raising awareness among collaborators regarding the prevention of violence, mobbing and harassment, and supporting the creation of decent work environments.



Violence and Harassment:  A set of unacceptable behaviors and practices, or threats related to them, either once or repeatedly, that aim at, result in, or are likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm. It also includes gender-based violence and harassment.

mobbing: It is the whole of intentional, negative attitudes and behaviors that continue for a certain period of time and aim to intimidate, pacify or remove from work, carried out by one or more employees in the workplace.




  • NHUMAN recognizes, adopts and implements the ILO Convention on Violence and Harassment No. 190.
  • NHUMAN acts with the Zero Tolerance Principle of Violence, Mobbing and Harassment in the workplace.
  • NHUMAN clearly expresses its Anti-Mobbing and Harassment Policy to the institutions it cooperates with. It does not receive service from individuals and institutions involved in actions, discourses and campaigns that harm human rights, and does not provide services to such institutions. 
  • NHUMAN shares its Anti-Violence, Mobbing and Harassment Policy with all its employees.
  • NHUMAN employees do not apply, encourage, or take part in a study that they realize is applied to another team member or collaborator.
  • NHUMAN encourages employees to raise issues they think they have experienced and/or are unsure of about violence, mobbing and harassment (SMT). It informs its employees about this issue during orientation.
  • NHUMAN acts on the basis of the declaration on SMT issues, and handles the SMT issues raised by the employees in the fastest way possible. The Evaluation Board applies the Violence, Mobbing, Harassment Investigation Procedure in this regard. However, the declaration is only effective at the start of the investigation and does not by itself affect the outcome. 
  • NHUMAN informs the complaining employee about the legal remedy option. It is the employee's own choice to wait or not to wait for the corporate investigation.
  • NHUMAN does not accept any reason in SMT matters. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to use physical and/or psychological force, threat, fear, suppression or intimidation of an employee by using identity hierarchy such as gender, age, social identity, and status in the workplace. Written, audible or silent approval by cheating, deception, manipulation, consent construction or the promise of reward and/or acceptance of any situation that will cause the employee to become a victim of SMT is not a reason for defense for NHUMAN.
  • NHUMAN employees may not engage in violence and harassment against children and persons who are not mentally and/or spiritually immature. The employment contract is terminated with the employee who is found to be present.
  • NHUMAN evaluates sexual harassment and sexual assault complaints, informally or formally, impartially and at the request of the applicant, from the perspective of not re-victimization of the victim. 
  • Confidentiality is prioritized in all applications. The identity and personal information of the employee who made the notification is not shared with anyone other than the evaluation board and official authorities within the framework of legal processes.



Human rights; are the rights that all people have, regardless of gender, national or ethnic origin, religion, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, disability or any other status. These rights are guaranteed by both national laws and international declarations and conventions. Discrimination in Turkey is prohibited by the Turkish Constitution. The UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights provides an international framework. Preventing discrimination in the workplace and making human rights a corporate culture is important for the realization of the ILO Decent Work Principle.




NHUMAN's Human Rights Policy has been prepared as a guide to create an egalitarian and human rights-friendly working environment in the workplace and to carry out its work within this framework.  




  • NHUMAN adopts the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and applies them in all its work.
  • In the approach to gender equality, the ILO accepts the relevant declarations and conventions as a guide.
  • It acts in accordance with Article 10 of the Turkish Constitution and Article 3 of the Law No. 6701 on the Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey and plans all its activities in accordance with these laws.
  • It is against all kinds of religion, language, race, sect, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identity, political opinion, national or social origin, disability and age discrimination in the workplace and does not allow such attitudes in the workplace. It makes the necessary evaluations in all kinds of actions and statements of its employees that may cause such discrimination.
  • It ensures that female employees take part in all positions in the workplace and takes all necessary measures to ensure this equality. 
  • It gives balanced rights to male and female employees in matters such as childbirth and care in order to ensure work-life balance and to share the workload equally between men and women. It supports the equality of men and women in the family.  
  • Measures are taken to support the return to work of female employees after childbirth and to prevent possible losses in their career development. 
  • NHUMAN has a competency-based fair wage policy.
  • It conducts a fair and standardized process in all Human Resources practices such as recruitment, business relations, performance evaluation, training and promotion.  
  • The Discrimination, Equality and Human Rights Policy applies to all positions. 
  • NHUMAN clearly expresses its Discrimination, Equality and Human Rights Policy to the institutions it cooperates with. It does not receive service from individuals and institutions involved in actions, discourses and campaigns that harm human rights, and does not provide services to such institutions. 
  • NHUMAN informs its employees of its Discrimination, Equality and Human Rights Policy from the very first day of employment. It applies a standard orientation program to its employees in order to make equality and human rights a part of its corporate culture.
  • The evaluation board initiates an investigation on any suspicion and application regarding discrimination and violation of human rights.
  • It works to increase the knowledge level of its employees on discrimination, equality and human rights.
  • NHUMAN employees do not discriminate against another team member or collaborator, encourage their practice, or take part in a study they realize is practiced.
  • At regular intervals, it organizes surveys in which the opinions of employees on equality and human rights are determined.


Sustainability is a principle that enables the environment, people, institutions and societies to exist in harmony and prosperity. In this regard, the UN prepared the Sustainability Development Goals consisting of 17 titles in 2015 and called for universal action. These goals include eradicating poverty, protecting our planet and ensuring that all people live in peace and prosperity. Regulations suitable for these purposes in the business world contribute to both employees and institutions, society and the environment.


NHUMAN's Sustainability Policy has been established in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals to plan the work of the institution in a way that is efficient, beneficial and not harmful to the environment.


  • NHUMAN adopts the UN Sustainable Development Goals and implements them in its work. 
  • NHUMAN works to make the corporate sustainability perspective become a corporate culture.
  • In all his works, he considers sustainability in three aspects: economic, environmental and social dimensions. It adopts economic models created within the framework of human rights. It plans activities that cause the least harm to the environment and benefit the society.
  • It attaches importance to the fact that its studies are science-based and cumulatively advanced. Reliability, international validity and innovation are the basic principles in their work.
  • It prioritizes occupational health and safety practices in all business processes. It carries out studies for the development of the existing OHS system both within NHUMAN and in the business world. In particular, it strives to make the subject of psychosocial risks a part of OHS standards.
  • NHUMAN has an effective corporate management approach. Makes accurate plans on issues such as budget management and efficiency. It carries out studies to design the most efficient working model for both the institution and the employees.
  • It develops practices to increase the loyalty and welfare of our employees and to make the working environment more efficient in order to ensure sustainable productivity.
  • NHUMAN cares about the wishes of its employees; closely examines their talents and predispositions. Positions and duties may change by joint decision with the employee.
  • It acts with zero tolerance on crimes against human rights such as discrimination, violence, mobbing and harassment. It develops policies to make it a corporate culture. He watches.
  • It carries out additional studies to ensure equality of opportunity for women in the business environment and to increase women's employment. Social development contributes to studies on this subject.
  • It values diversity. It values the religious, structural or cultural differences of all stakeholders and employees.
  • It is against corruption, bribery and nepotism and acts in accordance with laws and regulations, ethical and professional principles.


In the world, working methods that take care of the environment, protect human health and use natural resources efficiently are becoming more and more common. With the concept of green growth, which is defined as a growth model that prioritizes the protection of the environment and the balanced use of resources within the framework of a balanced economic, social and environmental development, which has been discussed in 2005, and that increases social welfare, green jobs that contribute to the protection of the environment or increase the environmental quality have emerged. With this approach, the idea that sustainable environmental policies can be important tools that will provide structural transformation in national economies has come to the fore. With these developments, environmental policies have become one of the basic policies for both the sustainability of the environment and natural resources and human-oriented workplaces. 




The purpose of NHUMAN's Environmental Policy is to ensure that NHUMAN's work progresses without harming the environment and that all NHUMAN employees have a common awareness of environmental protection, to reduce waste through environmental awareness and savings practices, and to increase the use of environmentally accepted materials, equipment and technology. 




  • NHUMAN adheres to the UN Development Goals, implements it in its work and supports global environmental protection campaigns.
  • It does not intentionally harm employees and prefers the most environmentally beneficial actions among the options.
  • It is environmentally conscious and participates in and supports all practices on protecting the environment, saving and recycling in the workplace. 
  • It does not receive services from individuals and institutions involved in actions and campaigns that clearly harm the environment. It clearly expresses its environmental policy for the development of environmental awareness in the institutions it serves.
  • As long as institutions with environmental policies exist, NHUMAN receives services from institutions with environmental policies.
  • Prefers recycling products in purchases.
  • It makes maximum efforts to minimize the amount of plastic and paper waste and keep it at a low level. 
  • NHUMAN prefers products that consider the benefits of the environment in office cleaning products.
  • NHUMAN encourages its employees to use minimal electricity and water. It enables its employees to use resources efficiently with monthly consumption tracking.
  • It prefers economical products in electrical office tools and equipment.
  • NHUMAN uses the least amount of paper possible and recycles used paper. 
  • NHUMAN prefers products that do not use solvent and lead-based paints.
  • NHUMAN does not take any action to disturb the environment except in emergencies.
  • United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
  • United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • United Nations Women's Empowerment Principles
  • United Nations Development Goals
  • FairWork Principles
  • Ontario Nonprofit Network Criteria
  • ILO Convention No. 190 on Violence and Harassment
  • ILO Maternity Protection Convention No. 183
  • ILO Convention 182 on Worst Forms of Child Labor
  • ILO Convention No. 156 on Workers with Family Responsibilities,
  • ILO Human Resources Development Convention No. 142
  • ILO Minimum Age Convention No. 138 
  • ILO Employment Policy Convention No. 122
  • ILO Convention No. 111 on Discrimination (Employment and Occupation),
  • ILO Equal Pay Convention No. 100, 
  • ILO Statement of Fundamental Business Principles and Rights
  • ILO Decent Work Indicators
  • ILO Psychosocial Risk Factors
  • Republic of Turkey Turkish Penal Code No. 5237
  • Constitution of the Republic of Turkey
  • Republic of Turkey Labor Law No. 8423
  • Republic of Turkey Law No. 6701 on Human Rights and Equality Institution of Turkey
  • Republic of Turkey Law on Protection of Personal Data
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