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Year 2022, Vol 10, Issue 1, 103 – 126, 01.06.2022
The concept of gig economy, which takes its name from the music industry and means "short-term work", is an economy that adopts a labor market consisting of free and short-term jobs as a mechanism where there is no work and no employer. Psychosocial risks/psychosocial hazards were defined by the International Labor Organization in 1984 as “interactions that have the potential to affect health, job performance and job satisfaction through perceptions and experiences between the working environment, job content, organizational conditions and employee capacities, needs, culture and non-work issues”. defined as. Psychosocial risks, which are evaluated in two main categories in terms of the context of the job and the content of the job, are one of the less studied topics in the gig economy, but it is an issue that needs a comprehensive evaluation in terms of employee health and safety in the gig economy. This study was designed as a qualitative research to analyze psychosocial risks in gig economy workers and consists of in-depth interviews with 20 people and a detailed analysis of these interviews.
Gig Economy, Psychosocial Risks, Gig Economy Worker, Platform Employee, Sharing Economy
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