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While many things have changed in social, economic and psychological areas in our lives with the Covid-19 pandemic, which has taken the whole world under its influence, we were all shaken by the news of the earthquake that came with it. Occurring off the Aegean Sea…

Information Guide on Psychosocial Risks for Workplaces

The psychosocial risk policy, prepared by the TR Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, General Directorate of Occupational Health and Safety, in order to effectively combat the new type of coronavirus, to prevent employees from being psychologically affected in the workplace.

Working Mothers and Covid-19

Çalışan Anneler ve Covid-19 Gerçekliği Covid- 19’un yayılım riskini azaltmak için gerçekleştirilen seyahat kısıtlamaları, çalışma saatlerinde esneklik, karantina, sokağa çıkma yasağı, kurumların ve işyerlerinin kapatılması, uzaktan eğitim ve evden çalışma …

“The Importance of Psychosocial Risks Increased in Occupational Health and Safety in the Pandemic”

https://www.sivil who prepared a comprehensive report titled “Psychosocial Risks Report-Current Situation Analysis and Recommendations” Psychologist Nevin Küçük from NHUMAN Consulting stated that the pandemic has increased psychosocial risks in the field of occupational health and safety, and is aware of these risks.

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